Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting a Dog who doesn't chase Cats

by Queenie1

You have cats and you want to get a dog. You wonder how to get a dog who won't chase your cats. Are there certain breeds of dogs who are less interested in cats?

From what I have seen there are dogs raised as puppies with cats who usually get along with the cats in their home but the dog may chase someone else's cat that he's not familiar with. If you have a puppy and he chases the cat your cat will get angry or mad at the puppy and will swipe the puppies nose, hiss or growl at him. From this the puppy will learn not to chase the cat again. You can also train your dog when he's young not to chase the cat.

Certain dog breeds have a higher "prey drive" instinct and will instinctively chase cats. Any cat or animal that runs in front of the dog will kick in your dogs "prey drive" as it is fun for him to chase. I just have to look at my dog's face after chasing a cat and he usually has a smile so they enjoy it.

Some dogs have no interest in cats. If you want a dog that gets along with cats you can look on this website:  Petfinder

Look for a dog that is cat tested by their dog foster parents. The petfinder has information on each dog. They state whether the dog is good with children, young children and with other animals or whether they get along with cats. The dogs are already tested with cats and they are ready for your home.

You will find a nice dog there for your home as well as a pet dog that will accept your cats without chasing them. You also will be saving the life of a dog who needs a good loving home.

Amazon Pet Supplies

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Basenji Dog Breed

by Queenie1

The Basenji dog breed was used in the past for getting rats, chasing game into nets and then retrieving them but now they are used as companion dogs.

The Basenji is 16"-17" from his shoulders down and weighs 20-28 lbs. They have a small, muscular build with very little fat. The Basenji breed has a short shedding coat with low maintenance which requires occasional brushing. They constantly clean themselves.

The Basenji are a confident, outgoing, stubborn dog. The females go into heat once a year rather than two times a year like other dog breeds. This barkless dog has a vocalization range from chortling to a wail if he doesn't want to do something.

The breed is harder to train as they are resistant. They may nip or bite strangers or children so they are not good for families. The Basenji has lots of character and personality.

Apartment living is okay if the dog is walked daily but they can be very noisy. Basenji's need a strong, patient owner. The dog is not good with other dogs or strangers. When outside keep the dog on a leash as Basenji's can climb fences.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dog Wellness while travelling

by Queenie1

Summer's here - family vacations and outings sometimes include our precious pet dogs.

If you feed your dog kibble or canned foods packing food for your dog is easy. Put the dogs dry food in daily portions in a zip lock bag before you leave. If your dog eats canned food buy a small can so you don't have left overs to keep cool. Organize your pet food, treats, dish, etc by putting all his items in a separate plastic bin.

If you cook your own dog's food or give him raw food you will need a refrigerator. Hotels, RVs, or tent trailers have refrigerators for your pets food but if you're tenting you will need a cooler to keep the dogs food cool unless you shop daily. You can preplan your trip by making an itinerary and find the local pet food stores on the web so you know where they are if you plan to buy it daily.

I usually get small water bottles and freeze them before our journey and use them instead of ice cubes to keep the food cool and as drinking water later when they melt. Some parks post signs to let you know if their water has bacteria some don't so ask. It's better for your pet dog to drink water from his regular environment so he doesn't get sick or give him some of the bottled water.

Sometimes while travelling your dog gets stressed and won't eat normally. Pepto Bismol may help or light foods like rice. Some people also give their pet dog a live "active" bacteria culture like plain yogurt to ease their stomachs or a pro biotic pill before they go on their trip but discuss this with your vet before you go.

Take your pet on a few short trips before before you go on your vacation to help prepare the dog for the journey so he will become a better dog traveller.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Dog's afraid of hardwood floors/laminate flooring!!!

by Queenie1

You just ripped your carpets out and installed beautiful hardwood floors/laminate flooring throughout your home. It was a great idea wasn't it??? You thought it would be great for the whole family but your pet dog shakes and cries.

Why is your dog behaving this way? Maybe your dog hates the noise when his nails click as he walks on the floor. The dog is scared because he feels out of control like "Bambi"on ice while his feet slip and slide across the floor.

A great way to help your dog cope with the new floors is to put some area rugs around that he can run from rug to rug until he gets used to the flooring. Small runners in the halls will help also a bath mat in the bathroom will help him adjust too. In time he will get more confident with himself and the new floor changes in his life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Poison Ivy/Poison Oak and your pet dog

by Queenie1

You go for a hike with your dog and he accidently walks through a patch of poison oak or your dog goes in your back yard and rolls in some poison ivy what do you do?

Poison oak and poison ivy doesn't usually bother the dog unless it gets through the fur to their skin. They will need to be diaganosed and treated for it. Even if the dog doesn't get a rash with little bumps and is itchy when you pet your dog you can get it.

You will need to use "Tecru Tecnu" Extreme Wash or Jewelweed Poison Ivy Soap which will remove urishol oil which is the culprit. If you bathe your dog with one of these oil removers you may prevent getting the poison oak or poison ivy yourself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beagle Dog Breeds

by Queenie1

Originally the breed was used to track foxes and rabbits because of their great scent. They were used to hunt in packs.

Beagles are a smaller scent hounds and there are two kinds; the one is 13" from the shoulder down and weighs 18 lbs while the other kind is about 15" from the shoulder down weighing 30 lbs. They are a sturdy, high-energy dog with a short low maintenance coat that sheds.

The Beagles strong scent will distract him so he may ignore you at times. The Beagle will need constant training when you get him. The Beagles nose rules their brains but they are a very smart, intelligent, affectionate dog.

Beagles are not a good dog for apartment living because of their howling and barking. The Beagle is good with children handling him so he makes a good family pet and he is also good with strangers as well as other dogs.

The dog is easily distracted if he smells a scent so he will do better in a fenced in yard and when you walk him it's best to keep him on a leash so it doesn't run away. Daily exercise is important for this active dog. The owner of the Beagle needs to have time to train this curious dog.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Petit Basset Griffon Venda Dog Breed

by Queenie1

In the past the dog was used to track rabbits. The Petit Basset Griffon Venden has a great smell, they are a sturdy dog with a weather-resistent coat.

The PBGV is 13" - 15" from the shoulder down and they weigh 35 - 45 lbs. They have a strong, sturdy, atheletic body. Their outer coat sheds and has a wiry, rough coat while the undercoat is think and short. The Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen needs an occassional trim and brushing a couple times a week. They have long ears covered with long hair.

They are active, playful, alert, friendly dogs who are very independent. Their great sense of smell can distract them.

The owner should be an active leader for a energetic dog. The PBGV is a good family dog if given lots of exercise and training. They need a fenced in yard but they have been proven to do okay in an apartment as well.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dogs eating grass

By Queenie1

Why does my dog sometimes like to eat grass or plants?

Sometimes dogs will go outside when they aren't feeling well and graze for awhile. Eating grass helps to induce vomiting as the grass binds with the offending material. The grass acts like an irritant and causes the dog to throw up, bringing up the poisonous item. Usually the dog feels better after he vomits.

Dogs sometimes just run the grass blades through their mouth as they smell or taste another animal walked through their territory or urinated on their grass.

Some dogs eat grass because they like it. For the dogs it's like eating a salad of fresh green shoots. If you have no pesticides on your lawn it won't hurt your dog.

There are products on the market like Barley grass supplements that you can give to your dog as dogs instinctively eat fresh grass which is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. These vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids help restore energy levels to your dog and give your dog a healthy coat. The Chlorophyll in the Barley also reduces your dogs bad breath. You just need to mix some Barley with water and put it with their wet or dry food. The dog can have it once or twice a day. Ready the instructions on how much to give to your dog.

Dogs eating grass is a very normal and natural thing for your dog to do as your dog instinctively knows what he needs.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dog Walking during the Summer Heat

by Queenie1

Your dog needs lots of exercise and the summer heat is high for more than one week so what do you do?

Most dogs in the summer heat just pant while they lay around. They really don't want to go out anymore. Heat stroke, burned foot pads can happen to your dog as well as dehydration.

Walking your dog late at night or very early in the morning when it's cooler maybe a better time to take your dog walking. If you have a woods near you can take your dog there as the trees will shade you from the sun. If you can't take your dog at those times you should take a water bottle with you so that your dog can have a drink to cool him down.

If you want another great exercise for your dog during the summer heat you could take your dog swimming or buy a child's swimming pool so the dog can exercise and stay cool at the same time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Bull Terrier and Miniature Bull Terrier Dog Breeds

By Queenie1

The Bull Terrier was used in the past as a fighting dog but today it is used as a great little companion.

The Bull Terrier stands 15"-22" from the shoulder down and weighs 40-75 lbs. The miniature Bull Terrier stands 10"-14" from shoulder down and weighs 10-20 lbs. The Bull Terrier has a very stocky, well muscled body of thick, solid muscle. Their eyes are sunken and their foreheads are more domed. The Bull Terrier's coats are short, hard fur and it sheds so the dog will need an occasional brushing.

The Bull Terriers are very affectionate, playful, active dogs with their owners but not good with strangers. They have a high prey drive towards small animals and can become very aggressive.

The Bull Terrier are not a good family dog. They need early, firm training from a firm owner.

The Bull Terriers can live in apartments but they need lots of exercise and training. The regular sized Bull Terrier does better in an home with a fenced in yard.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Dachshund Breed Dog

by Queenie1

This breed anciently was used to track badgers but was later bred smaller to hunt foxes and rabbits. The Dachshund has an excellent sense of smell and will fight with it's prey if the prey is difficult. There are 2 types of Dachshunds the standard which stands 9" from shoulder down and weighs 12-24 lbs or the miniature stands 5-6" from the shoulder down and weighs less than 12 lbs. Both types of Dachshunds have one of these 3 coats:

The wire haired coat which sheds is a rougher texture that is medium length.

The long haired coat which sheds but the coat is a silky, shiny medium length coat which needs a couple of brushing a week.

The smooth coat which also sheds but is short and shiny and requires little care.

Both Dachshund sizes have long backs with bodies close to the ground.

The Dachshund dog is a spirited, playful dog with great scenting abilities.

The wire hair coated Dachshund is more active and stubborn then the other 2 coated types.

The long hair coated Dachshund is shyer and shy of strangers.

The smooth hair coated Dachshund are friendly, bold and very alert. They feel the cold so you will need to provide them with a sweater on colder days.

Apartment living is okay for this breed dog but he will need daily exercise. They also are good little watchdogs and can bark loudly. The owner of this breed needs to be firm, consistent and patient with the dog. Children are okay with this breed if they aren't rough with them.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dog Friendly Travel Vacations, Camping & RV-ing!!!

by Queenie1

Planning a trip with your dog will take a little extra planning.

When you're travelling with your dog keep your dog's health paperwork in the glove compartment of your car or close at hand. If you're travel within your own country you should not need any health certificates or vaccinations unless you cross your countries borders. Immigration will require proof of up-to-date vaccines, rabies shots.

You could take your dog to the vet for a basic examination before you go on your trip to make sure the dog's health is good enough for the trip. If the dog gets travel sickness you can discuss how much and how many low doses of Gravol you to give your dog to make his journey easier. If your dog isn't able to make the journey you can find a reliable pet sitter or kennel.

While travelling some dog owners use dog car seats to restrict their dog's movement so they can drive safer and keep the dog from being injured. If you're in a motor home putting your dog in a crate securely tied with bungee cords to hold the crate in place will keep the crate from movement.

Take your dog on pee breaks while refuelling your vehicle and a short quick walk for some exercise. Most campgrounds allow leashed dogs but you will have to clean up after your dog. Dogs aren't allowed on most public beaches so make sure to check the campground or park rules before you go.

Have the dog groomed before you go so he doesn't get too hot and while travelling feed the dog once a night after you set up camp so the dog doesn't get sick.

Plan your trip ahead so that it's good for you, you family and your dog!!! Have a GREAT VACATION!!!