By Queenie1
Why does my dog sometimes like to eat grass or plants?
Sometimes dogs will go outside when they aren't feeling well and graze for awhile. Eating grass helps to induce vomiting as the grass binds with the offending material. The grass acts like an irritant and causes the dog to throw up, bringing up the poisonous item. Usually the dog feels better after he vomits.
Dogs sometimes just run the grass blades through their mouth as they smell or taste another animal walked through their territory or urinated on their grass.
Some dogs eat grass because they like it. For the dogs it's like eating a salad of fresh green shoots. If you have no pesticides on your lawn it won't hurt your dog.
There are products on the market like Barley grass supplements that you can give to your dog as dogs instinctively eat fresh grass which is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. These vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids help restore energy levels to your dog and give your dog a healthy coat. The Chlorophyll in the Barley also reduces your dogs bad breath. You just need to mix some Barley with water and put it with their wet or dry food. The dog can have it once or twice a day. Ready the instructions on how much to give to your dog.
Dogs eating grass is a very normal and natural thing for your dog to do as your dog instinctively knows what he needs.
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