by Kimberly Case
Dog Treats that Can Save your Sanity Dog treats can be so much more than a quick snack for your pet. They can be used to encourage good behavior and entice your pet's mind and curiosity. If you know the best kinds and the right way to present them, you can help your pet work out frustration and energy as well as help them develop good social practices. A Hidden Surprise Dogs are thinking creatures, even if most people do not recognize them as such. They can learn a great deal and enjoy engaging their minds. Even as they age, it is important to keep them busy and learning. One great way to do so is by using dog treats with "thinking" toys such as a Kong. These are designed with chambers intended to hide treats. When given to your dog, he doesn't immediately have access to the treat. Instead, he must work them out by gnawing and chewing. This has an added bonus of helping to keep your dog's teeth clean. As he chews on the rubbery surface, he can work out any food or debris stuck between teeth. Plus this is a great way to keep him occupied when company visits or when you need some peace and quiet. A Longer Lasting Dog Treat Pet treat manufacturers have began producing lines of longer lasting treats. These are intended to be completely devoured; however it takes your pet a lot longer to work through them. Many well known brands make these unique dog treats, such as the famous Busy Bone. They are usually larger than a regular biscuit and cylindrical in shape. Some feature a harder outer layer with a different flavor at the center. The only downside to this type of dog treat is the cost. For the same price as a bag of treats, you can get one or two longer lasting alternatives. It is recommended to reserve these treats for times when you need your pet distracted rather than for every day rewards. A Food-Influenced Attention Span Dogs are very receptive to food, although you should never only offer edible rewards. This can lead to overfeeding and your pet's expectations that a treat will always be given. Instead, use the treat reward efficiently by only offering it when your dog does exactly as he was supposed to or makes a large step in training. The rest of the time, stick with praise. During the obedience training phase, you might have trouble keeping your pet's attention in certain situations. One temporary fix is to keep a couple treats in your pocket. Let your dog see and smell the treats, but do not allow him or her to become overbearing or muscle their nose in to grab one. Instead, practice a basic sit and stay. Try this when company visits or when there is activity in the house. Your pet will learn to stay near you and remain still and quiet despite outside stimulation. Be patient because this takes time and repetition. Always offer the reward at some point to keep your dog interested. Dog treats are a great way to teach your pet good behavior and keep him or her busy when you need to focus attention elsewhere. With so many brands available, it is easy to find the right size and flavor for your pet. Add a Kong toy or try freezing treats in ice as a new way to present the same treats your four legged friend loves.
Kimberly Case is a popular contributor at http://www.dogtreatstogo.com Click Here to visit our store.
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