Yesterday my husband and I went for a walk in a Conservation Park with our little Rescue Dog. We've got him just about 1 & 1/2 yrs ago from the City Dog Pound and he's come a long ways from the Depressed Little Dog we took home. Buddy has blossomed into this wonderful little dog with such a sweet, loving heart! He learned around 10 months after we got him not everyone was going to hurt him and he started to let people pet him. He also found other dogs friendly while walking so he socialized with them.
While we were walking in this park we saw a lady walking through the bush with a stroller with a baby in it. Her little 2 yr old boy was walking behind her. She had a boxer dog on a leash attached to the stroller. Her little dog a Boston Terrier was running free without a leash. Our little Buddy wasn't on a leash either and he went running to meet the other dogs as he has found that most of the dogs we've met on our walks were friendly.
The little Boston Terrier sniffed our little Buddy and just played around with him. The woman's little 2 yr old son saw a puddle near the fence and ran over and jumped into the puddle and was sitting in the water up to his waist. She left her baby, her dogs and ran to grab her son out of the puddle. Buddy went near her Boxer and then her Boxer started to attack our little Buddy. Buddy was so scared and started running towards my husband and myself. The woman's little Boston Terrier was loose and then he started running after Buddy and started to attack our dog too. Buddy and the Boston Terrier were running around in circles with lots of snarling, teeth showing going on. I tried to grab my pooch but they were going to fast for me to grab. I yelled to my husband to grab our dog when they went behind me. I tried to stop the little Boston Terrier by putting my foot out to stop him but he just ran around my foot. Our dog dropped at my husband's feet while snarling back at the other dog near his face. My husband grabbed him and put him up into his arms.
The woman said, "Is your dog alright." He was safe and looked alright but devastated. She said something about it wasn't good making introductions. We took our dog into a safe area far enough away from this woman and her dogs.
We tried to get Buddy to walk when we were safe and now he won't walk now. He won't go up and downstairs in our home any more. He won't do anything. Our Rescue dog is now so upset he won't do anything but look at the wall. It's like no life in him anymore. We have our old dog back that was so Depressed after we got him from the dog pound. Buddy is still trembling and shaking one day later after the attack.
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