Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Dog Travel List
by Queenie1
When you travel with your pet you will need to pack these items:
1. Your dog veterinary history with your vet's phone number;
2. Dog medications if they need it or vet approved pills for travel sickness;
3. Dog food for the length of the trip;
4. Bottled water to travel with - I carry a pet store bottle that has an extension which folds down into a little drinking dish;
5. Dog treats;
6. Dog toothbrush, toothpaste and hair brush;
7. Dog collar with the dog tags on;
8. Dog harness, lease, muzzle, extended leash if you use them;
9. Dog Scooping bags;
10. Dog blanket or dog bed for him to sleep on;
11. Dog crates or dog carriers for him to sleep in or be carried in if you use one;
12. Dog's favourite toy;
13. Dog bone or chewing stick to chew on.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Border Terrier Dog Breeds
by Queenie1
The Border Terrier was used in many years ago to hunt foxes and badgers. They have a lot of spunk, stamina and determination.
The Border Terrier stands 9"-11"at the shoulder and weighs 11-15 lbs. They have a compact and sturdy body. The Border Terrier has longer legs so he can run. Their fur is short, coarse and wiry so they shed little.
The Border Terrier is a very active, athletic dog breed with a strong drive. They are a very affectionate breed and like to please their owners. The Border Terrier needs to socialize properly and they need consistent, patient training. This dog has a high prey drive towards small animals. If you are patient with him he will be a great companion for you.
The Border Terrier will live well in an apartment if you make sure he gets lots of exercise. The Breed is a high-energy, playful dog so his owner needs to very active too. If left alone in the yard for long periods of time he will dig. This dog loves to play with children but watch the young children with him.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Australian Terrier Breed Dog
by Queenie1
The Australian Terrier was used in the past as a snake killer in and a watch dog. From the shoulder he stands 10"-11" and he weighs 10 - 18 lbs. This breed has a sturdy body with short legs and a docked tail. The fur is straight and hard with a soft undercoat. This dog sheds little.
The Australian Terrier is a very smart, bright dog aware of things and he has great senses. He is very affectionate with his owners but shy of strangers. This breed responds well to early firm, precise training. This dog breed is good with older children but may not be good around younger children. The Australian Terrier has a strong prey drive towards small animals like cats, rabbits, etc.
Apartment living is okay for this breed but he will need several walks a day. You will need time to train and socialize this breed. If you leave him alone to long he may bark or dig alot outside.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Keeping Your Dog Healthy During The Summer Heat!
by Queenie1
1. Make sure that your dog's fur is trimmed short for the summer weather if it needs to be as the short fur will be a lot cooler for your dog.
2. Put a fan near he dog's sleeping area to keep the dog cooler when he's sleeping or you could place his dog bed by an open window at night so that he sleeps well through the night.
3. If you put your dog outside in your yard make sure you have enough water for the dog to drink and a shady spot for the dog to get out of the sun. You don't want your dog to become dehydrated.
4. Check your dog's water dish a few times to make sure that you have enough water in it and check to see if the water is hot. If it's too warm you need to put some cool water in it as the dog won't like drinking hot water.
5. I try to walk my dog earlier in the morning and later in the evening when the weather is hotter as it's too hot to walk the dog when the temperature is higher. I also take a water bottle to give my dog a drink while walking. I got a pet water bottle from the pet store that folds down so it's like a little dish of water and fill it up for him to drink from
6. Protect your dog from ticks, worms and fleas b going to the vet and using the products that you need to keep your dog healthy especially at this season of the year.
7. If you take your dog in the car with you on a hot day take some bottled water. If I go into a store, etc I leave the windows down and also go out and check on my dog several times and take him out for a short quick walk. When I was on a trip to Vegas they had a sign in the parking "Don't leave your pet's in the car as they can't take the heat" so I follow that guide!
8. If you take your dog with you to an outdoor activity try to find a shaded area for you and your dog so he can be out of the shade.
If you try to follow these basic guidelines it will help your pet dog feel better through the hot summer heat.
dog grooming,
pet dogs,
summer dog care,
summer heat
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Chihuahua A Very Old Breed
By Queenie 1
The Chihuahua dog is a very, tiny small breed dog which weighs less than 6 lbs. From their shoulder to the ground they're 6"-9". This petite dog originated in Central and South America. There are short haired Chihuahua's and long haired Chihuahua's. The long haired Chihuahua's need occasional brushing of their fur.
Chihuahua's are a very nervous high-strung, spunky little dog but they are very loving with their owners. They don't travel well so they are better left home then go with the family. The Chihuahua isn't good with young children or children playing roughly. They are a very good watchdog as they can bark loudly and continually if they are disturbed.
The Chihuahua can be a stubborn, nippy dog when they feel threatened or annoyed so you need to start firm patient training early. They don't need a lot of exercise so they are a good pet for an owner who doesn't walk a lot. The Chihuahua is sensitive to temperature changes so when it's cool they will need a sweater for the cold weather.
The Chihuahua will do well in a home that is a condo or apartment but they can be a bit noisy. The Chihuahua is a very loving little companion.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Some Home Truths in Choosing a Jack Russell For a Pet
By Dave T Corby Dave T Corby
Level: Basic PLUS
Dave Corby is an Engineering Software Director with 30 years experience including building a successful computer and software business. He has been working in Internet ...
When we decided to go looking for a pet dog we had just two requirements. The dog had to be small and cute for the children but with enough boyish nature that the father would not be embarrassed to take it for a walk. Our first visit to the local dog pound made the decision very easy once we met Billy the Jack Russell.
Now he is quite definitely not fully pure breed but we have since discovered that he certainly has all the common characteristics which make the breed both lovable and sometimes difficult to look after.
Billy is sturdy and tough and predominately white in coloration with tan markings on a rough coat. He is willful and wants to chase anything and everything that moves. In particular he is very much a big dog in a small package.
Like all Jack Russells, Billy is often very hyper. He has good strength and will run like the wind after a ball or a stick or just nothing at all. This breed need a lot of exercise and stimulation which may be difficult for the owner but necessary to calm down the dog and create harmony at home.
These terriers often have problems socialising with other animals and can be quite stubborn and aggressive especially towards bigger dogs and humans. Obedience classes are recommended to keep them under control and these should continue throughout their lives.
Many owners decide to keep their Jack Russell on a lead when outside to avoid confrontation which is a great shame as it restricts them from running and it is quite wonderful to see them charging at full speed across short grass. A good solution is to find an enclosed space where the Jack Russell can be let loose to run. You will find that it will be a good playmate for soccer or hide and seek.
At home, Jack Russells are an excellent companion who will sit by you and rest whenever you rest and play when you want to play. In general they will accept a lot or a little walking although as said before, a good long walk will stop them getting bored and too demanding in the home.
Billy was an excellent choice for a loving and playful companion but we did not realise how willful and energetic our Jack Russell would be.
Dave Corby
For information about looking after a Jack Russell and other terriers come to: and about how our dog travelled to live in America at:
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Everyday Care Tips for your Yorkie Teacup Puppy
Article Submitted by: Max Info
Having a pet is a refreshing and beautiful experience, and having a type of animal that you like as a pet is a perfect situation. However, different types of pets have different kinds of care requirements and if you do not look into these, you might end up being an owner of an unhealthy puppy. Of course, an unhealthy puppy cannot be a free puppy to enjoy their lives.
It is very important for the puppy owner to take into consideration these points for the day to day care of a puppy:
Eating Habits:
Though a teacup yorkie puppy may look small and diminutive, they have a common pet appetite. The average puppy should eat about three to four times a day. One should keep people food and other snacks at a minimum. If the puppy is not eating the food, you can add some warm water to add to the taste. You should change over to adult dog food for the Yorkie teacup puppy after twenty four months of age.
Grooming Habits:
The Yorkie teacup puppy has a rich coat and sheen, which makes them a high maintenance pet. Because of the rich coat, there is all possibility that the puppy might have various foreign objects sticking to their coat, which may in turn get lodged in their eye. The best way to do is to wash the mucus from the corner of the dog's eye, preferably with cotton and water. This is something that the pet owner has to look at a consistent basis. Never brush the coat when it is dry, always spray some water while brushing the coat.
The teeth of the Yorkie should be checked every six to eight months by a qualified veterinarian. Everyday care can be carried out by using the common dog toothpaste and tooth brush that is easily available.
Keeping a puppy clean and hygienic is one of the most important aspects of everyday Yorkie teacup puppy care. It is necessary to bathe the puppy once in a while; you can decide whether you wish to bathe the pet once in a week or once in a month.
Nail Clipper:
While one would need a dog nail clipper as the dog ages, one can use a general nail clipper for the Yorkie teacup puppy. Make sure that you trim the nail very carefully, as anything more than needed will be quite painful for the pet.
These are just some of the everyday care aspects of a Yorkie teacup puppy. Before buying a Yorkie, you should make sure that it is healthy and a good buy. The best way to do this is to buy it from a reputed dog seller.
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About The Author:
There are several repute dog sellers and some of them also have
free puppy give
away once in a month or so. There are several
free teacup puppies
that they have almost every month
free puppy,
small dogs,
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yorkie puppies
Monday, June 21, 2010
Protect Your Pooch: Putting Together A Pet First Aid Kit
Every pet owner should consider having a pet first aid kit with them at all times. Read on to find out what your pet's first aid kit should contain.
By: John Mclain
For many people, the family pet is seen as a vital member of the family. While many families have a first aid kit, most people are not prepared when a calamity befalls their beloved pets. Having the right supplies on hand can reduce your pet’s pain and discomfort, and potentially save their life. Being prepared with an emergency first aid kit is one of the best things you can do for your pet.
How should you go about putting together a first aid kit for your pet? First, choose a container especially for your first aid supplies. The container should be water resistant and durable, with a secure closure. Label it clearly and keep it in a cool, dark location, where it is within easy reach, yet out of the reach of small children and pets.
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Here are some recommended items to keep in your pet first aid kit.
1. Bandages, such as gauze pads, cotton gauze, ace bandages, and adhesive tape. Nonstick Telfa pads are a good choice because they are sterile and come in convenient individually wrapped packages. If your pet receives injuries that result in open wounds, Telfa pads are a good choice. Don’t forget the adhesive tape. Pets will often try to remove bandages or gauze pads, so you will want to secure the bandages in place with tape. Vet-wrap is a good choice, although in the case of an emergency, masking tape will work if these are not available.
2. Keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and anti-bacterial ointment cream in your pet first aid kit. A topical antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin will work. Pets often suffer from scrapes and open wounds. Having a tube of anti-bacterial ointment can help prevent infection. Also, many anti-bacterial creams also contain mild pain relievers. The anti-bacterial ointment should be applied on clean open wounds. Anti-bacterial ointments prevent contamination, and help seal wounds so that they are not exposed to air or further abrasion.
3. A bottle of eyewash or eye drops. Many pet emergencies have to do with eye injuries. Make sure to have a bottle of eyewash in order to spray away debris or dirt particles that may exacerbate eye injuries.
4. A rectal or ear thermometer. A good thermometer can help you gauge the seriousness of your pet’s injury.
5. Pain reliever. Dogs and cats should not be administered ibuprofen. They can be given very small dosages of aspirin.
6. Activated charcoal. Giving your pet natural activated charcoal may help prevent poisoning. If your pet is suffering from stomach or intestinal discomfort, activated charcoal also helps control diarrhea and flatulence.
7. Keep a pair of scissors, tweezers, and forceps in your first aid kit. Preferably, the scissors should have a blunt end. These are best for cutting bandages, fabric, or matted hair.
8. A blanket, to keep your pet warm and comfortable, and to help prevent shock.
9. A list of important phone numbers. Included on the list should be: the number of your veterinarian, a poison control hotline, and the number of the nearest emergency veterinary clinic.
10. A first aid book that describes how to administer CPR to your pet and which outlines procedures for a number of emergency scenarios.
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About the Author:
FirstAidGuru is a comprehensive resource on first aid supplies and a great basic first aid resource.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Small Dogs For Adoption
Submitted By: Pertic Brendon
When we think about adopting a dog we generally think about getting one that looks cute, or is a purebred dog or we tend to want to adopt a puppy. While these are all great dogs to adopt there are many small dogs waiting to be adopted. These small dogs for adoption are usually found lost and abandoned. Some have been given by their owners for various reasons to shelters.
These small dogs that have been given into various animal shelters have all the adorable looks of a puppy. Their small size makes them perfect as companions for children and people who live in small homes.
The various breeds that are found in dog and animal shelters include Scottish terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds, Miniature Schnauzers. You will find pure breed small dogs for adoption as well as different mixed breed dogs. Each of these small dogs is in need of lots of love and care.
When any small dogs are brought to the animal shelters they are carefully washed and cleaned of dirt and grime. The shelter vets will examine the small dogs and treat any wounds or other types of problems that these small dogs may have. Once they have been examined and treated, good food is given to the small dogs while they wait in clean kennels.
These kennels are temporary homes as small dogs for adoption may be chosen by a potential owner. Anyone can become the proud owner of small dogs but the various animal shelters where these small dogs are housed will make sure that any potential owner has the willingness to care for these small dogs.
As there are many types of stray dogs the new owners may be asked to spay or neuter their new members of the family. While this procedure may seem excessive you have to remember that many times these small dogs are found as strays because the mother dog was not sterilized.
Once you have chosen your small dog for adoption and companionship the small dog will be given into your care temporarily. This procedure is to make sure that the potential owners are right for these small dogs. This process also helps the dogs and their possible new owners become comfortable with each other.
The next time that you are thinking of adopting a pet you may want to look at the many small dogs for adoption purposes as these small dogs are the best types of dogs to have as life long companions. The love and devotion that these small dogs will give you in return for the care that you will lavish on these dogs will make you happy that you decided to choose a small dog for your lifelong companion.
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About Pertic Brendon
Author's Sites:Natural Pet Care, Cat Food Recipes , Dog Foods
dog adoption,
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small dog adoption,
small dogs
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tips For Pet Travel
By : Damien Ingram
Submitted 2010-04-30 07:54:48
If you happen to go away and want to take your pet or pets with you, you must know slightly something about protected pet transportation. In some circumstances, you may take your pet on an airplane with you, and different occasions they must ride in cargo. You may take your pet in your vehicle and into a hotel, however you still need to ensure that you may have the acceptable items to hold them secure and in addition keep them contained. You need your pet to be secure, secure and completely happy irrespective of the place you go or how you decide to get there. Don't fear, it will not be that exhausting to get it proper.
Any style of pet transportation means having the appropriate pet carrier. You may even see cute purses that may easily transport a small dog, but these are actually not nice for long term journey or safety. You want to have a sturdy carrier that is authorised for air travel. The crate must have a lock and should have proper ventilation. It also needs to be massive enough on your pet to travel comfortably. Your pet ought to be able to face up and flip in a circle inside the crate comfortably. In that case, you may have chosen the fitting dimension for pet transportation. In the event that they can't turn around simply, get the subsequent dimension up.
You additionally want to be sure that your pet is safe in your automotive if you're traveling. Have a pet free in any car just isn't an excellent concept. You can not management what they're going to do. You need to use the identical form of service for this kind of pet transportation. This keeps them in one place. A nicely which means but lonely pet might crawl beneath your legs whereas you're driving, making it impossible so that you can apply the brakes. As you may think about, that could be disastrous. The same crate you get for air journey works well for this sort of pet transportation as well.
You even have to think about the fundamental wants of your pet whenever you assume about pet transportation. They are going to need recent water and some meals while you're on your approach to or from your vacation spot. Ensure any crate you purchase even have a manner to your pet to get the water and meals that they want . If you might be touring by automotive, be certain you stop to your pet to get out and stretch as well as do their private business. Any pet using in a automobile also needs a gentle stream of recent air, so make certain they are getting it and that the vent holes on the crate you may have chosen are usually not blocked.
Lastly, perceive that some pets merely don't travel nicely. Some do not have the temperament for it, or they merely don't like crowds or loud noises. You might want to take your loved one with you, but it may not be in the finest curiosity of your pet. Discover someone to watch them for you or find a kennel close by that suits your wants. Pet transportation could make your vacation a nightmare if your canine or cat simply can not handle the stimulation or the conditions. They can be higher off left at house with a carrying relative than to be traumatized by situations they simply don't perceive or tolerate.
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