Article Submitted by: Max Info
Having a pet is a refreshing and beautiful experience, and having a type of animal that you like as a pet is a perfect situation. However, different types of pets have different kinds of care requirements and if you do not look into these, you might end up being an owner of an unhealthy puppy. Of course, an unhealthy puppy cannot be a free puppy to enjoy their lives.
It is very important for the puppy owner to take into consideration these points for the day to day care of a puppy:
Eating Habits:
Though a teacup yorkie puppy may look small and diminutive, they have a common pet appetite. The average puppy should eat about three to four times a day. One should keep people food and other snacks at a minimum. If the puppy is not eating the food, you can add some warm water to add to the taste. You should change over to adult dog food for the Yorkie teacup puppy after twenty four months of age.
Grooming Habits:
The Yorkie teacup puppy has a rich coat and sheen, which makes them a high maintenance pet. Because of the rich coat, there is all possibility that the puppy might have various foreign objects sticking to their coat, which may in turn get lodged in their eye. The best way to do is to wash the mucus from the corner of the dog's eye, preferably with cotton and water. This is something that the pet owner has to look at a consistent basis. Never brush the coat when it is dry, always spray some water while brushing the coat.
The teeth of the Yorkie should be checked every six to eight months by a qualified veterinarian. Everyday care can be carried out by using the common dog toothpaste and tooth brush that is easily available.
Keeping a puppy clean and hygienic is one of the most important aspects of everyday Yorkie teacup puppy care. It is necessary to bathe the puppy once in a while; you can decide whether you wish to bathe the pet once in a week or once in a month.
Nail Clipper:
While one would need a dog nail clipper as the dog ages, one can use a general nail clipper for the Yorkie teacup puppy. Make sure that you trim the nail very carefully, as anything more than needed will be quite painful for the pet.
These are just some of the everyday care aspects of a Yorkie teacup puppy. Before buying a Yorkie, you should make sure that it is healthy and a good buy. The best way to do this is to buy it from a reputed dog seller.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com
About The Author:
There are several repute dog sellers and some of them also have
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away once in a month or so. There are several
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that they have almost every month
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