By Queenie 1
The Chihuahua dog is a very, tiny small breed dog which weighs less than 6 lbs. From their shoulder to the ground they're 6"-9". This petite dog originated in Central and South America. There are short haired Chihuahua's and long haired Chihuahua's. The long haired Chihuahua's need occasional brushing of their fur.
Chihuahua's are a very nervous high-strung, spunky little dog but they are very loving with their owners. They don't travel well so they are better left home then go with the family. The Chihuahua isn't good with young children or children playing roughly. They are a very good watchdog as they can bark loudly and continually if they are disturbed.
The Chihuahua can be a stubborn, nippy dog when they feel threatened or annoyed so you need to start firm patient training early. They don't need a lot of exercise so they are a good pet for an owner who doesn't walk a lot. The Chihuahua is sensitive to temperature changes so when it's cool they will need a sweater for the cold weather.
The Chihuahua will do well in a home that is a condo or apartment but they can be a bit noisy. The Chihuahua is a very loving little companion.
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