Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dog Costume - What Are They?
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to introduce a second dog!

by Queenie1
Many people have a dog and want to add another dog to the family pack. If you wish to do this there are some things that you should do to make the transition easier for the two dogs.
1. First read a book on dog breeds to see if the two dogs breeds will get along with each other. The book will tell you the characteristics of the breeds. If the larger dog has a strong prey drive for rabbits, squirrels, etc it may not be a wise choice to get a second small dog. Some animal shelters or city dog pounds have greeting rooms to introduce the two dogs together to see if they will get along before you take your dog home. Your vet may also be able to answer that question for you.
2. One of the best ways to introduce a new smaller dog to your larger dog is to take the two dogs to a neutral territory like a dog park, etc. You'll need two people walking the two dogs together on leashes. Never just place the two dogs together in the one dogs home before introducing them as they need a bit of time.
3. Let the two dogs sniff each other and get to know each other in a neutral territory before you take them home together.
4. After you've introduced the dogs if you have a backyard take the two dogs to the backyard together before bringing them into the home. If the one dog shows some dominance, aggression that is okay but you stay there and don't let it get out of hand.
5. Let the two dogs go inside the house together and inspect the home. Let them off their leashs and watch to see if there is any dog aggression. You could place a dog carrier in the house for the new dog to use as a safe place from the other dog so he can go in and out when he feels comfortable.
6. Make sure each dog has their own bowl, leash, etc so that you don't promote fighting.
One dog will make himself the dominant dog and the other dog will follow but make sure that you are the leader and not the dominant dog.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Dog is Shedding Horribly!

by Queenie1
Is there something wrong with my dog as in the Fall season he seems to shed so much? When I pet my dog handfuls of fur come into my hands and I find pieces of fur all over my sofa, carpet, bed, clothes, etc which makes my allergies worse. I can't keep my house clean! Is my dog alright or is this shedding fur normal? What can I do?
It is normal for the dogs to shed in the Spring/Fall season. They shed all year round but more at Spring/Fall season. Short haired dogs shed more than long haired dogs also certain breeds shed more. Shedding can also occur from medical problems as internal diseases or skin disease.
Get your pet dog a dog brush and brush his coat often and you will take some of the dead fur out. You can also use a dry rag to rub his fur to get rid of some of the dogs dead fur. Purchase a furniture Polish or Pet Hair Remover product from the store to help remove some pet hair off the wood furniture you can also vacumn the fabric on the sofas and chairs to get the fur off.
Add Omega 3 & Omega 6 fish oil to the dog's food and the good quality food will help stop the dogs shedding. The proper balance of Omega 3's and Omega 6's will give your pet dog a very healthy coat.
Fall shedding season is helping your dog to get rid of his summer fur coat so that his winter fur coat will keep him warm for the cold which is coming. The shedding season will pass quickly!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Terrier Puppy Training - Have Your Puppy Trained Today

By Diana Swanson Diana Swanson
Level: Basic
Author and article writer for training dogs and puppies with a special interest in terriers.
Choosing a new terrier puppy can be an exciting point in an owner's life. While terrier puppies can start out small, some breeds can reach over 80 pounds. Traditionally, terriers were bred and raised to hunt and control small animals such as foxes, rabbits and rats. Larger breeds of terriers were used to hunt badgers. You'll find that your terrier will have a very energetic spirit, a loyal heart and an attitude usually bigger than their size suggests.
Picking Out Your Terrier Puppy
When you're going to pick out a terrier pup, make sure that it's at least 8 weeks old, doesn't display aggressive behaviour and is generally friendly. If you can, have a vet take a quick look to ensure your potential new best friend is in good general health.
Terrier puppy training should begin when you bring your terrier pup to your house, assuming your pup is old enough and has been socialized properly first. If your terrier pup isn't quite ten weeks old or hasn't been acclimated properly with small groups of people or other dogs, you should take some time first to ensure your puppy is used to being around other dogs and people. This will prevent any issues with small dog aggression.
Puppies Training For Terriers
When your terrier puppy is at the right age, I would recommend some basic household training. Certain breeds of terriers such as bull terriers can be especially stubborn when they're young. I recommend that crate training be used and it's really recommended that you're home as much as possible during the house training so you can start establishing pack leader status and correct deviations quickly. While it may seem to take a long time at first to get your terrier puppy properly housebroken, once proper behaviors are established, you will find your terrier puppy will stick to the rules of the house with uncanny loyalty. The time investment up front will be worth it in the end, trust me.
Once the basics are covered, the next step is to build your terrier puppy's surrounding to help establish that you're the clear alpha pack leader. Instruct your terrier puppy not to bite using toys. If your terrier puppy bites you, you can help correct that behavior by letting out a clear whining sound to let him know it hurts. Also, a word about furniture. Don't let your puppy to leap onto the couch and don't let it sleep in the same bed with your. The crate should be used as much as possible in the early stages of your puppy's life. Over time, you'll extend the length of time in which they can stay in there.
When your terrier puppy reaches 3 months of age, it's time to get into obedience training. Try and nail the basics such as getting your terrier to stay, sit, lie down, focus on you, come when called, wait inside doors and not yank on the leash. The emphasis on obedience training should continue until 6 months of age.
Terriers have an especially good knack for picking up motion cues from their owners, though with some breeds of terriers, you'll find that that might not want to follow your lead right away. Be patient, over time, they'll tune will change.
Utilizing Terrier Puppy Training To Protect Them
Since terriers are naturally curious creatures, you'll find that they will want to go out and learn about the new environments they encounter as much as possible. In the terrier's early life, teach them not to chase cars as that behavior is sometimes the first reaction a terrier has when they encounter this new moving object. Also instruct it stop at curbs and to not dash away from you in public settings. Otherwise, they risk hurting themselves by cars crossing the road or by getting lost in a crowd of people. Keep the leash on the terrier while you're out walking it until you can be confident that it'll return to you when called and that it won't venture off too far away from you. Trying to chase a fast terrier can be a very exhausting exercise indeed!
While training a terrier can seem challenging at first, especially to dog owners who've never owned one before, you'll discover that terriers are really a loyal breed. With proper terrier puppy training, they'll start to follow your commands on queue, stay with you when you're out in public without a leash and keep your house free of "surprises". But you have to ensure you set the rules down early and be keen on enforcing them in the critical early years.
All the best in your quest to training your terrier.
Diana Swanson
Founder of
Article Source:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Longer Lasting Dog Treat

by Kimberly Case
Dog Treats that Can Save your Sanity Dog treats can be so much more than a quick snack for your pet. They can be used to encourage good behavior and entice your pet's mind and curiosity. If you know the best kinds and the right way to present them, you can help your pet work out frustration and energy as well as help them develop good social practices. A Hidden Surprise Dogs are thinking creatures, even if most people do not recognize them as such. They can learn a great deal and enjoy engaging their minds. Even as they age, it is important to keep them busy and learning. One great way to do so is by using dog treats with "thinking" toys such as a Kong. These are designed with chambers intended to hide treats. When given to your dog, he doesn't immediately have access to the treat. Instead, he must work them out by gnawing and chewing. This has an added bonus of helping to keep your dog's teeth clean. As he chews on the rubbery surface, he can work out any food or debris stuck between teeth. Plus this is a great way to keep him occupied when company visits or when you need some peace and quiet. A Longer Lasting Dog Treat Pet treat manufacturers have began producing lines of longer lasting treats. These are intended to be completely devoured; however it takes your pet a lot longer to work through them. Many well known brands make these unique dog treats, such as the famous Busy Bone. They are usually larger than a regular biscuit and cylindrical in shape. Some feature a harder outer layer with a different flavor at the center. The only downside to this type of dog treat is the cost. For the same price as a bag of treats, you can get one or two longer lasting alternatives. It is recommended to reserve these treats for times when you need your pet distracted rather than for every day rewards. A Food-Influenced Attention Span Dogs are very receptive to food, although you should never only offer edible rewards. This can lead to overfeeding and your pet's expectations that a treat will always be given. Instead, use the treat reward efficiently by only offering it when your dog does exactly as he was supposed to or makes a large step in training. The rest of the time, stick with praise. During the obedience training phase, you might have trouble keeping your pet's attention in certain situations. One temporary fix is to keep a couple treats in your pocket. Let your dog see and smell the treats, but do not allow him or her to become overbearing or muscle their nose in to grab one. Instead, practice a basic sit and stay. Try this when company visits or when there is activity in the house. Your pet will learn to stay near you and remain still and quiet despite outside stimulation. Be patient because this takes time and repetition. Always offer the reward at some point to keep your dog interested. Dog treats are a great way to teach your pet good behavior and keep him or her busy when you need to focus attention elsewhere. With so many brands available, it is easy to find the right size and flavor for your pet. Add a Kong toy or try freezing treats in ice as a new way to present the same treats your four legged friend loves.
Kimberly Case is a popular contributor at Click Here to visit our store.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
How Old is My Dog Really?

by James McMillian
How Old is My Dog Really? Have you ever wondered how old your dog really is? Many people believe that their dogs is seven times his "human age". However, dogs age and mature differently than humans do.The calculations used to compare canine years with human years evolve with research that is more scientific. At one time, it was believed that one year of a canine's life was equivalent to seven years in a human. Later, one year was equal to five years. Neither theory is correct based on many variables and considerations. The common belief that our dog is seven times his age in years does become true, eventually. As dogs become older than three years, they age at seven times their age in years. More about the dog life phases and characteristics: The childhood of a puppy is shorter compared to people. Pups are born with a full set of teeth but permanent teeth begin to appear at around 5 months of age. The pup displays excessive chewing behavior as the new teeth erupt. The young dog requires more food at this time as their bodies grow, develop and to compensate for high energy levels. Males and females are sexually mature at the age of one and are physically mature at the age of 2. The longest living dog is recorded to be 27 years of age while the average dog's life tends to last 12 years. Life expectancy is not the same for all dogs and many factors are considered. Smaller breeds live longer than their larger counterparts. Certain breeds are more prone to health problems like arthritis, tumors, organ and structural defects. Doberman Pinschers are comparable in size to Boxers but outlive them by about 5 years. Lifestyle effects longevity. Working dogs require more physical activity or become depressed and anxiety ridden which contributes to health problems. Dogs that become overweight due to lack of exercise develop health issues. An animal aged 8 or 9 who is expected to have the physical stamina of a dog aged 2 or 3 will experience tissue, bone injuries, and develop arthritis. Over breeding within a family line or breeding an unhealthy animal will result in genetic defects that effect longevity. Animals that are neutered are less likely to develop cancer later in life and rhe risk of cancer decreases the sooner the dog is neutered. This is true regardless of whether the animal is male or female. Proper medical care including vaccinations and treatment for illness or injury affects life expectancy. Whether the animal is properly fed, housed and exercised will all determine longevity. Mature dogs have less food and exercise requirements than an adult dog, as they generally are less rambunctious and calmer. A vet will consider the condition of a dog's teeth and physical structure when determining health age. An animal that appears to be 5 or 6 years old may be older or younger due to their living conditions. The aged dog will have gray or white hair on their faces. They experience vision and hearing loss and the heart and kidneys will start to decline. Physical capability diminishes and temperament may change.
James McMillian is a long time dog lover and pet enthusiast. He currently writes for, where you can find dog car seats and pet fences .
Dachshund dogs,
dog care,
dog's age,
old dogs,
small dog care
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Brushing up on Dog Obedience

by Kimberley Case
Brushing up on Obedience: Treat Reinforcement for your Dog Everyone knows the saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." This is actually not accurate. Dog's of all ages are anxious learners, provided you know how to communicate with them. On the other hand, an old dog can actually start to forget his old tricks if they are not put into practice. If you have noticed your canine companion slacking off lately, consider using treat reinforcement to get him back on his toes again! Treats and Positive Reinforcement Dogs are good at learning to associate what they do with your reaction. Have you ever noticed if your pet does something wrong, he puts his tail down and lowers his head. This is because he has been punished before and, even though you did not see him doing the "bad" activity, he assumes since he did it you will react. This can be used in reverse to encourage him into good behavior with positive reinforcement. Let him see that when he does something correct, he gets a good reaction from you. Surprise, a Treat! If your dog has been ignoring you a lot lately, it is time to get his attention again. Even a simple recall (coming when his name is called) can be ignored if he knows he can get away with it. First, practice the command in a calm, quiet setting. As soon as he responds correctly, give him a surprise treat. In many cases, your dog is not "stupid" or "forgetting" what he is supposed to do. It is a test of wills. He knows you won't follow through, so he doesn't bother. On the other hand, he may not be receiving a positive reward for following through, so he has no motivation to do so. Never get into the habit of treating every time your pet listens, especially with basic commands. Instead, offer an occasional treat to keep him interested and the rest of the time praise and pet him. Many dog owners do not realize the value their canines' put in petting and an enthusiastic "Good boy!" You might be surprised at the results from just that type of award alone. Click � Treat � Click Even if you did not use clicker training when your dog was a puppy, you can still turn to this efficient method of communication. The idea is you get your dog to associate the click of the clicker with a positive reinforcement (praise and treats). Once he learns, give him a click and reward each time he does what he is supposed to. Now that he is conditioned for clicker training, and you know how it works, it is time to begin going back over his old list of commands. Start with the easiest, a basic recall, sit, lie down, stay, and then work up from there. He may become so responsive, you might want to teach him new, advanced commands he did not know before. Treats can be a valuable tool when reminding your dog about his obedience training. Age has nothing to do with how much a canine can learn. If you are patient and willing to put in the time, you can get your pet back on track and even teach him a few additional commands along the way!
Kimberly Case is a popular contributor at Where you can find hundreds of Treats that your Dog will love
miniature dog training,
small dog training
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Should dogs be left alone outside for long periods of time?

by Queenie1
You just got a dog and your husband wants the dog to go outside alone. Your husband feels that the dog will get used to being outside but months later when you put the dog outside he continually whines and barks.
Dogs are pack animals so they are meant to be with their owners. If the dog continues to bark when you leave it outside it is feeling bored or neglected and he wants to be inside the house with you so just bring your dog inside.
If your neighbour calls the authorities because of your barking dog you could get into trouble especially if they see no food, water or shelter outside for your pet. It's not good to leave your dog outside more than 1-2 hrs as they could get hurt outside or run off or dig outside of the fence.
I prefer to keep my dog inside with our family. When we adopted our rescue dog we were told not to leave our dog alone more than 8 hrs without someone around him. The dog pound workers felt strongly that dogs need much human contact and shouldn't be alone longer than that as that is neglect but this is a decision that you and your family will need to make.
dog care,
dogs barking,
dogs health,
dogs outside alone,
dogs whining
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Getting a Dog who doesn't chase Cats

by Queenie1
You have cats and you want to get a dog. You wonder how to get a dog who won't chase your cats. Are there certain breeds of dogs who are less interested in cats?
From what I have seen there are dogs raised as puppies with cats who usually get along with the cats in their home but the dog may chase someone else's cat that he's not familiar with. If you have a puppy and he chases the cat your cat will get angry or mad at the puppy and will swipe the puppies nose, hiss or growl at him. From this the puppy will learn not to chase the cat again. You can also train your dog when he's young not to chase the cat.
Certain dog breeds have a higher "prey drive" instinct and will instinctively chase cats. Any cat or animal that runs in front of the dog will kick in your dogs "prey drive" as it is fun for him to chase. I just have to look at my dog's face after chasing a cat and he usually has a smile so they enjoy it.
Some dogs have no interest in cats. If you want a dog that gets along with cats you can look on this website: Petfinder
Look for a dog that is cat tested by their dog foster parents. The petfinder has information on each dog. They state whether the dog is good with children, young children and with other animals or whether they get along with cats. The dogs are already tested with cats and they are ready for your home.
You will find a nice dog there for your home as well as a pet dog that will accept your cats without chasing them. You also will be saving the life of a dog who needs a good loving home.
Amazon Pet Supplies
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Basenji Dog Breed

by Queenie1
The Basenji dog breed was used in the past for getting rats, chasing game into nets and then retrieving them but now they are used as companion dogs.
The Basenji is 16"-17" from his shoulders down and weighs 20-28 lbs. They have a small, muscular build with very little fat. The Basenji breed has a short shedding coat with low maintenance which requires occasional brushing. They constantly clean themselves.
The Basenji are a confident, outgoing, stubborn dog. The females go into heat once a year rather than two times a year like other dog breeds. This barkless dog has a vocalization range from chortling to a wail if he doesn't want to do something.
The breed is harder to train as they are resistant. They may nip or bite strangers or children so they are not good for families. The Basenji has lots of character and personality.
Apartment living is okay if the dog is walked daily but they can be very noisy. Basenji's need a strong, patient owner. The dog is not good with other dogs or strangers. When outside keep the dog on a leash as Basenji's can climb fences.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Dog Wellness while travelling

by Queenie1
Summer's here - family vacations and outings sometimes include our precious pet dogs.
If you feed your dog kibble or canned foods packing food for your dog is easy. Put the dogs dry food in daily portions in a zip lock bag before you leave. If your dog eats canned food buy a small can so you don't have left overs to keep cool. Organize your pet food, treats, dish, etc by putting all his items in a separate plastic bin.
If you cook your own dog's food or give him raw food you will need a refrigerator. Hotels, RVs, or tent trailers have refrigerators for your pets food but if you're tenting you will need a cooler to keep the dogs food cool unless you shop daily. You can preplan your trip by making an itinerary and find the local pet food stores on the web so you know where they are if you plan to buy it daily.
I usually get small water bottles and freeze them before our journey and use them instead of ice cubes to keep the food cool and as drinking water later when they melt. Some parks post signs to let you know if their water has bacteria some don't so ask. It's better for your pet dog to drink water from his regular environment so he doesn't get sick or give him some of the bottled water.
Sometimes while travelling your dog gets stressed and won't eat normally. Pepto Bismol may help or light foods like rice. Some people also give their pet dog a live "active" bacteria culture like plain yogurt to ease their stomachs or a pro biotic pill before they go on their trip but discuss this with your vet before you go.
Take your pet on a few short trips before before you go on your vacation to help prepare the dog for the journey so he will become a better dog traveller.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My Dog's afraid of hardwood floors/laminate flooring!!!

by Queenie1
You just ripped your carpets out and installed beautiful hardwood floors/laminate flooring throughout your home. It was a great idea wasn't it??? You thought it would be great for the whole family but your pet dog shakes and cries.
Why is your dog behaving this way? Maybe your dog hates the noise when his nails click as he walks on the floor. The dog is scared because he feels out of control like "Bambi"on ice while his feet slip and slide across the floor.
A great way to help your dog cope with the new floors is to put some area rugs around that he can run from rug to rug until he gets used to the flooring. Small runners in the halls will help also a bath mat in the bathroom will help him adjust too. In time he will get more confident with himself and the new floor changes in his life.
dog care,
hardwood floors,
laminate floors,
pet dogs
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Poison Ivy/Poison Oak and your pet dog

by Queenie1
You go for a hike with your dog and he accidently walks through a patch of poison oak or your dog goes in your back yard and rolls in some poison ivy what do you do?
Poison oak and poison ivy doesn't usually bother the dog unless it gets through the fur to their skin. They will need to be diaganosed and treated for it. Even if the dog doesn't get a rash with little bumps and is itchy when you pet your dog you can get it.
You will need to use "Tecru Tecnu" Extreme Wash or Jewelweed Poison Ivy Soap which will remove urishol oil which is the culprit. If you bathe your dog with one of these oil removers you may prevent getting the poison oak or poison ivy yourself.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Beagle Dog Breeds

by Queenie1
Originally the breed was used to track foxes and rabbits because of their great scent. They were used to hunt in packs.
Beagles are a smaller scent hounds and there are two kinds; the one is 13" from the shoulder down and weighs 18 lbs while the other kind is about 15" from the shoulder down weighing 30 lbs. They are a sturdy, high-energy dog with a short low maintenance coat that sheds.
The Beagles strong scent will distract him so he may ignore you at times. The Beagle will need constant training when you get him. The Beagles nose rules their brains but they are a very smart, intelligent, affectionate dog.
Beagles are not a good dog for apartment living because of their howling and barking. The Beagle is good with children handling him so he makes a good family pet and he is also good with strangers as well as other dogs.
The dog is easily distracted if he smells a scent so he will do better in a fenced in yard and when you walk him it's best to keep him on a leash so it doesn't run away. Daily exercise is important for this active dog. The owner of the Beagle needs to have time to train this curious dog.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Petit Basset Griffon Venda Dog Breed

by Queenie1
In the past the dog was used to track rabbits. The Petit Basset Griffon Venden has a great smell, they are a sturdy dog with a weather-resistent coat.
The PBGV is 13" - 15" from the shoulder down and they weigh 35 - 45 lbs. They have a strong, sturdy, atheletic body. Their outer coat sheds and has a wiry, rough coat while the undercoat is think and short. The Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen needs an occassional trim and brushing a couple times a week. They have long ears covered with long hair.
They are active, playful, alert, friendly dogs who are very independent. Their great sense of smell can distract them.
The owner should be an active leader for a energetic dog. The PBGV is a good family dog if given lots of exercise and training. They need a fenced in yard but they have been proven to do okay in an apartment as well.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Dogs eating grass

By Queenie1
Why does my dog sometimes like to eat grass or plants?
Sometimes dogs will go outside when they aren't feeling well and graze for awhile. Eating grass helps to induce vomiting as the grass binds with the offending material. The grass acts like an irritant and causes the dog to throw up, bringing up the poisonous item. Usually the dog feels better after he vomits.
Dogs sometimes just run the grass blades through their mouth as they smell or taste another animal walked through their territory or urinated on their grass.
Some dogs eat grass because they like it. For the dogs it's like eating a salad of fresh green shoots. If you have no pesticides on your lawn it won't hurt your dog.
There are products on the market like Barley grass supplements that you can give to your dog as dogs instinctively eat fresh grass which is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. These vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids help restore energy levels to your dog and give your dog a healthy coat. The Chlorophyll in the Barley also reduces your dogs bad breath. You just need to mix some Barley with water and put it with their wet or dry food. The dog can have it once or twice a day. Ready the instructions on how much to give to your dog.
Dogs eating grass is a very normal and natural thing for your dog to do as your dog instinctively knows what he needs.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Dog Walking during the Summer Heat

by Queenie1
Your dog needs lots of exercise and the summer heat is high for more than one week so what do you do?
Most dogs in the summer heat just pant while they lay around. They really don't want to go out anymore. Heat stroke, burned foot pads can happen to your dog as well as dehydration.
Walking your dog late at night or very early in the morning when it's cooler maybe a better time to take your dog walking. If you have a woods near you can take your dog there as the trees will shade you from the sun. If you can't take your dog at those times you should take a water bottle with you so that your dog can have a drink to cool him down.
If you want another great exercise for your dog during the summer heat you could take your dog swimming or buy a child's swimming pool so the dog can exercise and stay cool at the same time.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Bull Terrier and Miniature Bull Terrier Dog Breeds

By Queenie1
The Bull Terrier was used in the past as a fighting dog but today it is used as a great little companion.
The Bull Terrier stands 15"-22" from the shoulder down and weighs 40-75 lbs. The miniature Bull Terrier stands 10"-14" from shoulder down and weighs 10-20 lbs. The Bull Terrier has a very stocky, well muscled body of thick, solid muscle. Their eyes are sunken and their foreheads are more domed. The Bull Terrier's coats are short, hard fur and it sheds so the dog will need an occasional brushing.
The Bull Terriers are very affectionate, playful, active dogs with their owners but not good with strangers. They have a high prey drive towards small animals and can become very aggressive.
The Bull Terrier are not a good family dog. They need early, firm training from a firm owner.
The Bull Terriers can live in apartments but they need lots of exercise and training. The regular sized Bull Terrier does better in an home with a fenced in yard.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Dachshund Breed Dog

by Queenie1
This breed anciently was used to track badgers but was later bred smaller to hunt foxes and rabbits. The Dachshund has an excellent sense of smell and will fight with it's prey if the prey is difficult. There are 2 types of Dachshunds the standard which stands 9" from shoulder down and weighs 12-24 lbs or the miniature stands 5-6" from the shoulder down and weighs less than 12 lbs. Both types of Dachshunds have one of these 3 coats:
The wire haired coat which sheds is a rougher texture that is medium length.
The long haired coat which sheds but the coat is a silky, shiny medium length coat which needs a couple of brushing a week.
The smooth coat which also sheds but is short and shiny and requires little care.
Both Dachshund sizes have long backs with bodies close to the ground.
The Dachshund dog is a spirited, playful dog with great scenting abilities.
The wire hair coated Dachshund is more active and stubborn then the other 2 coated types.
The long hair coated Dachshund is shyer and shy of strangers.
The smooth hair coated Dachshund are friendly, bold and very alert. They feel the cold so you will need to provide them with a sweater on colder days.
Apartment living is okay for this breed dog but he will need daily exercise. They also are good little watchdogs and can bark loudly. The owner of this breed needs to be firm, consistent and patient with the dog. Children are okay with this breed if they aren't rough with them.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Dog Friendly Travel Vacations, Camping & RV-ing!!!

by Queenie1
Planning a trip with your dog will take a little extra planning.
When you're travelling with your dog keep your dog's health paperwork in the glove compartment of your car or close at hand. If you're travel within your own country you should not need any health certificates or vaccinations unless you cross your countries borders. Immigration will require proof of up-to-date vaccines, rabies shots.
You could take your dog to the vet for a basic examination before you go on your trip to make sure the dog's health is good enough for the trip. If the dog gets travel sickness you can discuss how much and how many low doses of Gravol you to give your dog to make his journey easier. If your dog isn't able to make the journey you can find a reliable pet sitter or kennel.
While travelling some dog owners use dog car seats to restrict their dog's movement so they can drive safer and keep the dog from being injured. If you're in a motor home putting your dog in a crate securely tied with bungee cords to hold the crate in place will keep the crate from movement.
Take your dog on pee breaks while refuelling your vehicle and a short quick walk for some exercise. Most campgrounds allow leashed dogs but you will have to clean up after your dog. Dogs aren't allowed on most public beaches so make sure to check the campground or park rules before you go.
Have the dog groomed before you go so he doesn't get too hot and while travelling feed the dog once a night after you set up camp so the dog doesn't get sick.
Plan your trip ahead so that it's good for you, you family and your dog!!! Have a GREAT VACATION!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Dog Travel List

by Queenie1
When you travel with your pet you will need to pack these items:
1. Your dog veterinary history with your vet's phone number;
2. Dog medications if they need it or vet approved pills for travel sickness;
3. Dog food for the length of the trip;
4. Bottled water to travel with - I carry a pet store bottle that has an extension which folds down into a little drinking dish;
5. Dog treats;
6. Dog toothbrush, toothpaste and hair brush;
7. Dog collar with the dog tags on;
8. Dog harness, lease, muzzle, extended leash if you use them;
9. Dog Scooping bags;
10. Dog blanket or dog bed for him to sleep on;
11. Dog crates or dog carriers for him to sleep in or be carried in if you use one;
12. Dog's favourite toy;
13. Dog bone or chewing stick to chew on.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Border Terrier Dog Breeds

by Queenie1
The Border Terrier was used in many years ago to hunt foxes and badgers. They have a lot of spunk, stamina and determination.
The Border Terrier stands 9"-11"at the shoulder and weighs 11-15 lbs. They have a compact and sturdy body. The Border Terrier has longer legs so he can run. Their fur is short, coarse and wiry so they shed little.
The Border Terrier is a very active, athletic dog breed with a strong drive. They are a very affectionate breed and like to please their owners. The Border Terrier needs to socialize properly and they need consistent, patient training. This dog has a high prey drive towards small animals. If you are patient with him he will be a great companion for you.
The Border Terrier will live well in an apartment if you make sure he gets lots of exercise. The Breed is a high-energy, playful dog so his owner needs to very active too. If left alone in the yard for long periods of time he will dig. This dog loves to play with children but watch the young children with him.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Australian Terrier Breed Dog

by Queenie1
The Australian Terrier was used in the past as a snake killer in and a watch dog. From the shoulder he stands 10"-11" and he weighs 10 - 18 lbs. This breed has a sturdy body with short legs and a docked tail. The fur is straight and hard with a soft undercoat. This dog sheds little.
The Australian Terrier is a very smart, bright dog aware of things and he has great senses. He is very affectionate with his owners but shy of strangers. This breed responds well to early firm, precise training. This dog breed is good with older children but may not be good around younger children. The Australian Terrier has a strong prey drive towards small animals like cats, rabbits, etc.
Apartment living is okay for this breed but he will need several walks a day. You will need time to train and socialize this breed. If you leave him alone to long he may bark or dig alot outside.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Keeping Your Dog Healthy During The Summer Heat!

by Queenie1
1. Make sure that your dog's fur is trimmed short for the summer weather if it needs to be as the short fur will be a lot cooler for your dog.
2. Put a fan near he dog's sleeping area to keep the dog cooler when he's sleeping or you could place his dog bed by an open window at night so that he sleeps well through the night.
3. If you put your dog outside in your yard make sure you have enough water for the dog to drink and a shady spot for the dog to get out of the sun. You don't want your dog to become dehydrated.
4. Check your dog's water dish a few times to make sure that you have enough water in it and check to see if the water is hot. If it's too warm you need to put some cool water in it as the dog won't like drinking hot water.
5. I try to walk my dog earlier in the morning and later in the evening when the weather is hotter as it's too hot to walk the dog when the temperature is higher. I also take a water bottle to give my dog a drink while walking. I got a pet water bottle from the pet store that folds down so it's like a little dish of water and fill it up for him to drink from
6. Protect your dog from ticks, worms and fleas b going to the vet and using the products that you need to keep your dog healthy especially at this season of the year.
7. If you take your dog in the car with you on a hot day take some bottled water. If I go into a store, etc I leave the windows down and also go out and check on my dog several times and take him out for a short quick walk. When I was on a trip to Vegas they had a sign in the parking "Don't leave your pet's in the car as they can't take the heat" so I follow that guide!
8. If you take your dog with you to an outdoor activity try to find a shaded area for you and your dog so he can be out of the shade.
If you try to follow these basic guidelines it will help your pet dog feel better through the hot summer heat.
dog grooming,
pet dogs,
summer dog care,
summer heat
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Chihuahua A Very Old Breed

By Queenie 1
The Chihuahua dog is a very, tiny small breed dog which weighs less than 6 lbs. From their shoulder to the ground they're 6"-9". This petite dog originated in Central and South America. There are short haired Chihuahua's and long haired Chihuahua's. The long haired Chihuahua's need occasional brushing of their fur.
Chihuahua's are a very nervous high-strung, spunky little dog but they are very loving with their owners. They don't travel well so they are better left home then go with the family. The Chihuahua isn't good with young children or children playing roughly. They are a very good watchdog as they can bark loudly and continually if they are disturbed.
The Chihuahua can be a stubborn, nippy dog when they feel threatened or annoyed so you need to start firm patient training early. They don't need a lot of exercise so they are a good pet for an owner who doesn't walk a lot. The Chihuahua is sensitive to temperature changes so when it's cool they will need a sweater for the cold weather.
The Chihuahua will do well in a home that is a condo or apartment but they can be a bit noisy. The Chihuahua is a very loving little companion.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Some Home Truths in Choosing a Jack Russell For a Pet

By Dave T Corby Dave T Corby
Level: Basic PLUS
Dave Corby is an Engineering Software Director with 30 years experience including building a successful computer and software business. He has been working in Internet ...
When we decided to go looking for a pet dog we had just two requirements. The dog had to be small and cute for the children but with enough boyish nature that the father would not be embarrassed to take it for a walk. Our first visit to the local dog pound made the decision very easy once we met Billy the Jack Russell.
Now he is quite definitely not fully pure breed but we have since discovered that he certainly has all the common characteristics which make the breed both lovable and sometimes difficult to look after.
Billy is sturdy and tough and predominately white in coloration with tan markings on a rough coat. He is willful and wants to chase anything and everything that moves. In particular he is very much a big dog in a small package.
Like all Jack Russells, Billy is often very hyper. He has good strength and will run like the wind after a ball or a stick or just nothing at all. This breed need a lot of exercise and stimulation which may be difficult for the owner but necessary to calm down the dog and create harmony at home.
These terriers often have problems socialising with other animals and can be quite stubborn and aggressive especially towards bigger dogs and humans. Obedience classes are recommended to keep them under control and these should continue throughout their lives.
Many owners decide to keep their Jack Russell on a lead when outside to avoid confrontation which is a great shame as it restricts them from running and it is quite wonderful to see them charging at full speed across short grass. A good solution is to find an enclosed space where the Jack Russell can be let loose to run. You will find that it will be a good playmate for soccer or hide and seek.
At home, Jack Russells are an excellent companion who will sit by you and rest whenever you rest and play when you want to play. In general they will accept a lot or a little walking although as said before, a good long walk will stop them getting bored and too demanding in the home.
Billy was an excellent choice for a loving and playful companion but we did not realise how willful and energetic our Jack Russell would be.
Dave Corby
For information about looking after a Jack Russell and other terriers come to: and about how our dog travelled to live in America at:
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Everyday Care Tips for your Yorkie Teacup Puppy

Article Submitted by: Max Info
Having a pet is a refreshing and beautiful experience, and having a type of animal that you like as a pet is a perfect situation. However, different types of pets have different kinds of care requirements and if you do not look into these, you might end up being an owner of an unhealthy puppy. Of course, an unhealthy puppy cannot be a free puppy to enjoy their lives.
It is very important for the puppy owner to take into consideration these points for the day to day care of a puppy:
Eating Habits:
Though a teacup yorkie puppy may look small and diminutive, they have a common pet appetite. The average puppy should eat about three to four times a day. One should keep people food and other snacks at a minimum. If the puppy is not eating the food, you can add some warm water to add to the taste. You should change over to adult dog food for the Yorkie teacup puppy after twenty four months of age.
Grooming Habits:
The Yorkie teacup puppy has a rich coat and sheen, which makes them a high maintenance pet. Because of the rich coat, there is all possibility that the puppy might have various foreign objects sticking to their coat, which may in turn get lodged in their eye. The best way to do is to wash the mucus from the corner of the dog's eye, preferably with cotton and water. This is something that the pet owner has to look at a consistent basis. Never brush the coat when it is dry, always spray some water while brushing the coat.
The teeth of the Yorkie should be checked every six to eight months by a qualified veterinarian. Everyday care can be carried out by using the common dog toothpaste and tooth brush that is easily available.
Keeping a puppy clean and hygienic is one of the most important aspects of everyday Yorkie teacup puppy care. It is necessary to bathe the puppy once in a while; you can decide whether you wish to bathe the pet once in a week or once in a month.
Nail Clipper:
While one would need a dog nail clipper as the dog ages, one can use a general nail clipper for the Yorkie teacup puppy. Make sure that you trim the nail very carefully, as anything more than needed will be quite painful for the pet.
These are just some of the everyday care aspects of a Yorkie teacup puppy. Before buying a Yorkie, you should make sure that it is healthy and a good buy. The best way to do this is to buy it from a reputed dog seller.
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There are several repute dog sellers and some of them also have
free puppy give
away once in a month or so. There are several
free teacup puppies
that they have almost every month
free puppy,
small dogs,
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yorkie puppies
Monday, June 21, 2010
Protect Your Pooch: Putting Together A Pet First Aid Kit

Every pet owner should consider having a pet first aid kit with them at all times. Read on to find out what your pet's first aid kit should contain.
By: John Mclain
For many people, the family pet is seen as a vital member of the family. While many families have a first aid kit, most people are not prepared when a calamity befalls their beloved pets. Having the right supplies on hand can reduce your pet’s pain and discomfort, and potentially save their life. Being prepared with an emergency first aid kit is one of the best things you can do for your pet.
How should you go about putting together a first aid kit for your pet? First, choose a container especially for your first aid supplies. The container should be water resistant and durable, with a secure closure. Label it clearly and keep it in a cool, dark location, where it is within easy reach, yet out of the reach of small children and pets.
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Here are some recommended items to keep in your pet first aid kit.
1. Bandages, such as gauze pads, cotton gauze, ace bandages, and adhesive tape. Nonstick Telfa pads are a good choice because they are sterile and come in convenient individually wrapped packages. If your pet receives injuries that result in open wounds, Telfa pads are a good choice. Don’t forget the adhesive tape. Pets will often try to remove bandages or gauze pads, so you will want to secure the bandages in place with tape. Vet-wrap is a good choice, although in the case of an emergency, masking tape will work if these are not available.
2. Keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and anti-bacterial ointment cream in your pet first aid kit. A topical antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin will work. Pets often suffer from scrapes and open wounds. Having a tube of anti-bacterial ointment can help prevent infection. Also, many anti-bacterial creams also contain mild pain relievers. The anti-bacterial ointment should be applied on clean open wounds. Anti-bacterial ointments prevent contamination, and help seal wounds so that they are not exposed to air or further abrasion.
3. A bottle of eyewash or eye drops. Many pet emergencies have to do with eye injuries. Make sure to have a bottle of eyewash in order to spray away debris or dirt particles that may exacerbate eye injuries.
4. A rectal or ear thermometer. A good thermometer can help you gauge the seriousness of your pet’s injury.
5. Pain reliever. Dogs and cats should not be administered ibuprofen. They can be given very small dosages of aspirin.
6. Activated charcoal. Giving your pet natural activated charcoal may help prevent poisoning. If your pet is suffering from stomach or intestinal discomfort, activated charcoal also helps control diarrhea and flatulence.
7. Keep a pair of scissors, tweezers, and forceps in your first aid kit. Preferably, the scissors should have a blunt end. These are best for cutting bandages, fabric, or matted hair.
8. A blanket, to keep your pet warm and comfortable, and to help prevent shock.
9. A list of important phone numbers. Included on the list should be: the number of your veterinarian, a poison control hotline, and the number of the nearest emergency veterinary clinic.
10. A first aid book that describes how to administer CPR to your pet and which outlines procedures for a number of emergency scenarios.
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About the Author:
FirstAidGuru is a comprehensive resource on first aid supplies and a great basic first aid resource.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Small Dogs For Adoption
Submitted By: Pertic Brendon
When we think about adopting a dog we generally think about getting one that looks cute, or is a purebred dog or we tend to want to adopt a puppy. While these are all great dogs to adopt there are many small dogs waiting to be adopted. These small dogs for adoption are usually found lost and abandoned. Some have been given by their owners for various reasons to shelters.
These small dogs that have been given into various animal shelters have all the adorable looks of a puppy. Their small size makes them perfect as companions for children and people who live in small homes.
The various breeds that are found in dog and animal shelters include Scottish terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds, Miniature Schnauzers. You will find pure breed small dogs for adoption as well as different mixed breed dogs. Each of these small dogs is in need of lots of love and care.
When any small dogs are brought to the animal shelters they are carefully washed and cleaned of dirt and grime. The shelter vets will examine the small dogs and treat any wounds or other types of problems that these small dogs may have. Once they have been examined and treated, good food is given to the small dogs while they wait in clean kennels.
These kennels are temporary homes as small dogs for adoption may be chosen by a potential owner. Anyone can become the proud owner of small dogs but the various animal shelters where these small dogs are housed will make sure that any potential owner has the willingness to care for these small dogs.
As there are many types of stray dogs the new owners may be asked to spay or neuter their new members of the family. While this procedure may seem excessive you have to remember that many times these small dogs are found as strays because the mother dog was not sterilized.
Once you have chosen your small dog for adoption and companionship the small dog will be given into your care temporarily. This procedure is to make sure that the potential owners are right for these small dogs. This process also helps the dogs and their possible new owners become comfortable with each other.
The next time that you are thinking of adopting a pet you may want to look at the many small dogs for adoption purposes as these small dogs are the best types of dogs to have as life long companions. The love and devotion that these small dogs will give you in return for the care that you will lavish on these dogs will make you happy that you decided to choose a small dog for your lifelong companion.
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About Pertic Brendon
Author's Sites:Natural Pet Care, Cat Food Recipes , Dog Foods
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small dog adoption,
small dogs
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tips For Pet Travel

By : Damien Ingram
Submitted 2010-04-30 07:54:48
If you happen to go away and want to take your pet or pets with you, you must know slightly something about protected pet transportation. In some circumstances, you may take your pet on an airplane with you, and different occasions they must ride in cargo. You may take your pet in your vehicle and into a hotel, however you still need to ensure that you may have the acceptable items to hold them secure and in addition keep them contained. You need your pet to be secure, secure and completely happy irrespective of the place you go or how you decide to get there. Don't fear, it will not be that exhausting to get it proper.
Any style of pet transportation means having the appropriate pet carrier. You may even see cute purses that may easily transport a small dog, but these are actually not nice for long term journey or safety. You want to have a sturdy carrier that is authorised for air travel. The crate must have a lock and should have proper ventilation. It also needs to be massive enough on your pet to travel comfortably. Your pet ought to be able to face up and flip in a circle inside the crate comfortably. In that case, you may have chosen the fitting dimension for pet transportation. In the event that they can't turn around simply, get the subsequent dimension up.
You additionally want to be sure that your pet is safe in your automotive if you're traveling. Have a pet free in any car just isn't an excellent concept. You can not management what they're going to do. You need to use the identical form of service for this kind of pet transportation. This keeps them in one place. A nicely which means but lonely pet might crawl beneath your legs whereas you're driving, making it impossible so that you can apply the brakes. As you may think about, that could be disastrous. The same crate you get for air journey works well for this sort of pet transportation as well.
You even have to think about the fundamental wants of your pet whenever you assume about pet transportation. They are going to need recent water and some meals while you're on your approach to or from your vacation spot. Ensure any crate you purchase even have a manner to your pet to get the water and meals that they want . If you might be touring by automotive, be certain you stop to your pet to get out and stretch as well as do their private business. Any pet using in a automobile also needs a gentle stream of recent air, so make certain they are getting it and that the vent holes on the crate you may have chosen are usually not blocked.
Lastly, perceive that some pets merely don't travel nicely. Some do not have the temperament for it, or they merely don't like crowds or loud noises. You might want to take your loved one with you, but it may not be in the finest curiosity of your pet. Discover someone to watch them for you or find a kennel close by that suits your wants. Pet transportation could make your vacation a nightmare if your canine or cat simply can not handle the stimulation or the conditions. They can be higher off left at house with a carrying relative than to be traumatized by situations they simply don't perceive or tolerate.
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